Median Healthcare Ltd Offers Quality, Comprehensive Range of Domiciliary & Home Care Services Directly to the Service User.

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End of Life Care

If you are living with a life-limiting illness, end of life services can be provided to you at home. This may include visits from a range of service providers on an occasional or regular basis. Your needs determine what services you may require,

Our end-of-life care helps you to experience the best possible quality of life in the time you have left through supporting you physically and emotionally at home.

End of Care services may include:

Helping individuals take medication on time
Creating a comfortable environment for a person to sleep in
Helping with incontinence care needs, helping individuals to the toilet, which can sometimes be disorientating in the middle of the night

People Who May Need End of life Care:

End of life care can be offered to anyone at any point after a terminal diagnosis, and is designed to provide holistic support as service users come to terms with the symptoms of their condition.